On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:
> Now why couldn't you have suggested this the other day?  This is a decent
> solution I can live with :)

  I thought I mentioned something about using graphics for the buttons...

  Hmmm, looking back, I stated it poorly; the phrase "dynamically-generated"
should have been qualified.  I knew what I meant; how come you didn't read my
mind?  ;-)

On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:
> While that is true, Ben could have opted to provide me with other useful
> alternatives rather than begin lecturing and pontificating on what HTML
> was designed to do and why people should not use it improperly.

  My goal was not *just* to be an arrogant ego-maniac.  I honestly felt that
part of the reason you were butting your head against the wall was a desire to
use a tool incorrectly.  I would have the same response to someone who
suggested using MS-Windows to run their mission-critical website.  ;-)

> Oh, like the request I got this morning via the help system?
>       User:  Can't you just set it up like the other one?
> This went on for some time :)

  See?  Your mind-reading skills are definitely rusty.  ;-)

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