On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Paul Moore wrote:
> i think you might have the wrong card in mind, the 2400a has four ata-100
> channels.

  Oops, you are right -- I misread the product description.

> they offer another low-cost model that only has two ports and by my
> best-guess looks like a hw/sw raid solution, ala promise.

  Yah.  Even a hybrid card like that might be worth using (since it gives
you redundancy before Linux loads), but every one I have read about either
does not support Linux well (or at all) and/or eats data when a disk
actually fails.  In the Adaptec case, at least the former is true.

>>   Do you happen to know if the driver for that card is GPL'ed, i.e., to
>>   go into the mainstream kernel?
> adaptec has also posted the driver source on their website,
> linux.adaptec.com.

  Cool.  Maybe we have a chance of getting it working on 2.2, then.
Although, by all reports, 2.4 is improving in stability, I still wouldn't
trust a server to it yet.


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