Yes, something like:

myworkbox>  ssh -L 8080:localhost:8001

on your work machine.  Log in and leave the shell open.

Set Netscape proxy to "myworkbox:8080".  Assumes proxy at home is
on localhost (same machine as running sshd) and listening on port 8001.
Modify to your setup.



On Tue, 6 Nov 2001, "Mansur, Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sure someone has run into this problem, so hopefully someone will
> have a good solution.  The http proxy server where I work is absolutely
> terrible.  Half the time it reports that the page timed out, and most of
> the time I have to go to the page twice to get it to load.  I'm not in a
> position to change the software or the speed of the proxy server, and
> port 80 is closed inside and out of the corporation.
> So, here's one solution I thought of.  Perhaps I could have a my own
> proxy server, which when asked for a page, would go over port 22 (the
> ssh port) to my home computer.  My home computer would then load the
> page, send it back over the ssh connection to my proxy, and then the
> proxy would give the page to me.  This would definitely be faster, more
> reliable, and less annoying then my company's proxy server, if it's
> possible.
> Does anyone know if something like this is possible?  Are there any
> other solutions?

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