On Tue, 6 Nov 2001, Mansur, Warren wrote:
> The http proxy server where I work is absolutely
> terrible.  Half the time it reports that the page timed out, and most of
> the time I have to go to the page twice to get it to load.

  Gee... sounds like Microsoft Proxy Server!  Or "Internet Security and
Acceleration Server" as it is called in its latest incarnation.

> So, here's one solution I thought of.  Perhaps I could have a my own
> proxy server, which when asked for a page, would go over port 22 (the
> ssh port) to my home computer.

  They block 80, but allow 22?  That's... interesting.

  Anyway: If so much as one TCP port is open to the Internet, you basically
can do anything you want.  All you have to do is run an IP-over-IP tunnel to
the outside, and you just punched a hole a mile wide through the firewall.

  You could also just run an HTTP proxy on port 22 on your system, and avoid
the overhead of SSH.  Of course, you also avoid the security.

  And, of course, you could be unimaginative, and use SSH port forwarding to
connect your work system to your home system's HTTP proxy.

  Keep in mind, any or all of these may violate corporate policy.  In some
places, such things can get you fired.  Use caution.

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