In a message dated: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 11:38:42 PST
Ken Ambrose said:

>Tsk, tsk, Paul: I expect you to know all three ways (that I can think 
>of, at least) to override that:
>\rm *
>rm -f *
>yes | rm *

I forgot about that last one :)  Of course, I doubt I'd ever have 
occasion to use it, since I'm lazy and -f does the same thing ;)

>I do find that they are hugely helpful for misc. things
>that one uses all the time -- and, if you're using the *same* command all
>the time, what good is typing it really going to do you in terms of
>learning it?

Good point.  However, I was more thinking in terms of those who 
decide to alias certain commands like ls = 'ls -F'.  This type of 
alias, IMO, is the most dangerous, since you're now masking a real 
command.  Better to create a completely new command, 'lF' instead.  
This allows you to remember that 'ls' is the command, and it's output 
is nothing more than a list of file names and ls -F gives you the 
identifying characters at the end of the command.

IMO, it's a very dangerous practice to alias real command names to 
some action which is not their normal behavior.

>It's only when you do things differently that you learn; 
>otherwise, it might as well be an alias.  Lastly,

Well, yes and no.  If you prefer to always see the file type 
characters at the end of a filename and you alias ls to be ls -F, 
then when you move to another system where that alias doesn't exist, 
and you get output completely different than what you expect, you may 
either waste your time trying to remember what all your aliases are, 
or, you may now need to clean up a mess you shouldn't have because of 
default behavior you've forgotten about and therefore didn't expect.
This leads to the premise that you also learn even when you always do 
things exactly the same all the time.  It's just completely 
unexpected and probably surprising learning :)

(Note. Obviously aliasing ls to ls -F won't cause you major system 
damage.  It's just an example.  Dangerous things to alias are things 
like rm, cp, and mv.  Though tar, find, and many others can be 
problematic too.  And I've already demonstrated how aliasing ls to 
something else can be problematic for command-line shell scripts.)

>alias files from more learned users are frequently handy ways of
>showing newbies how things are done.

Hmmmm, true, but more often than not alias files, and .[a-z,ba]shrc 
files, etc. are usually a very bad thing to be handing on from one 
person to another.  People in general never comment them, and what 
you end up with are people who now don't know how or why something 
works the way it does, and when something on the system changes, they 
haven't the slightest idea why what always worked before is now 

Case in point, I couldn't get Xv4 working on my system last week 
exactly because I copied someone elses config file without really 
understanding what it was doing.  I, of all people, should have known 
better!  I finally got X working again with my flat panel and all it 
took was about 1 solid hour of futzing with modelines and such until 
it worked.  Most people don't want to spend that much time figuring 
out how a config file works.  Which is why I hate aliases.  They tend 
to lead to people who don't have a clue as to how the tools they need 
to use to get their jobs done work.  You wouldn't catch a carpenter 
who didn't know all the ins and outs of his skill or miter saw (and 
if you did, he probably has a few less than 10 fingers :)  Yet people 
in high-tech seem to think they can get away without learning how 
their OS works.  No wonder MS is where they are!

In general though, the Linux crowd does seem a lot better than the 
averagee Unix user I've dealt with over the years.  Since it's 
predominately made up of people using Linux on their own at home, 
they've had little choice but to figure things out on their own.
However, once Linux makes it's way deeper into the corporate world, I 
fully expect to see more of what I've previously been exposed to :(

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