On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Bill Mullen wrote:

=>Along these lines, I have the following in /etc/bashrc to colorize my
=>prompts, and ensure that if I am root, either as a login or via an su, my
=>prompt becomes a distinctive white on red:
=>if [ $SHLVL = "1" ] ; then
=>COLOUR=44  # blue
=>COLOUR=45  # magenta
=>if [ $UID = "0" ] ; then
=>COLOUR=41  # red
=>STYLE=';1m'  # bold
=>#STYLE='m'    # plain
=>export PS1="\[$ESC[$COLOUR;37$STYLE\]\u@\h:\[$ESC[m\]\w\\$ "
=>export PS2="> "
=>This also colorizes the prompt in login shells (other than root's) to
=>white on blue, and in all subsidiary shells (other than root's) to white
=>on magenta. Handy to know when one more Ctrl-D will log you out. :)
Or you can do what I do:


into your .bash_profile

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-happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ
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