In a message dated: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 11:17:34 EST
mike ledoux said:

>First, I'd like to emphasize that any such database would, by nature,
>be strictly optional.  Anyone that doesn't want to be in it won't be.
>As for restricted access, I had taken it as a given that any such database
>wouldn't be publicly accessable (I certainly don't want my ugly mug
>on google!).  A password protected webpage seems like a good idea, but who
>do you allow in?  You'd want to allow everyone who has a photo posted,
>obviously, but what about 'GNHLUG members' that don't post a photo?
>Given our open membership, does it make sense to treat 'GNHLUG members'
>any differently from the general public?

Well, we do have a semi-closed list; i.e. you must be subscribed in 
order to post.  We could set up something similar for those in the 
photo database; if you're sub'ed to the list(s), you can have access.

The other thing we could do is allow users to set up their own 
password based on their subscription e-mail address.  When they log 
in, it verifies that they are in fact sub'ed to the list using that 
e-mail address and let's them log in.

This isn't a fool proof method, and it's not meant to be.  It's meant 
strictly as a way to *try* and fool web index engines, and keep 
things somewhat within our own some what small community.
I also propose some kind of disclaimer stating that these images of 
are the sole property of those in the images, and no one has any 
right to do anything with them without express hand-written consent, 
etc. blah, blah, blah.  That gives each individual the right to sue 
the pants off anyone who harvests the images (provided they have 
enought money to pursue such an endeavor :)

The key point to note here, is that the goal is strictly to provide 
the members of our community with a service and attempt to prevent 
the unchecked proliferation of these images all over the place.

Obviosly the only way to guarantee any given image won't make it out 
to the wild is no not put one up there at all.  But we can try to do 
something to impede this.


                          God Bless America!

        ...we don't need to be perfect to be the best around,
                and we never stop trying to be better. 
                       Tom Clancy, The Bear and The Dragon

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