In a message dated: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 14:03:54 EST
mike ledoux said:

>What is 'the list',

Ahm, well, it's this amorphous thing that you send mail to and 
receive mail back from. You know, that thing you are constantly 
replying to that keeps filling up your mail box today with nothing 
really useful?

>and how do we determine who is on it?

echo "who gnhlug" | Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Right, it will only go out in clear text when they set it, or use it.  :)

That's why I asked if it would be worth it to SSL-enable to page.

I was referring to the message where you said:
>   'Someone has privately e-mailed and raised the privacy issue.'
>'raised the privacy issue' was a quote, you see.

Yes, and I was saying the "raised the privacy issue" referred to the 

>       "I think this would be useful, but then, I'm not a privacy
>        nut."

>> So, like I also said, if you're that concerned about privacy, then 
>> don't post an image.  End of story.
>Wait, I thought I said that!  Stop stealing my lines!  :)

Ahhhm, I don't see any trademark or copyright attributed to them.  
And I think I can come up with enough examples of prior "art" to 
defeat any future attempts at such ;)

>This doesn't have to be the case.  With our group, I think it shouldn't
>be the case if we expect to populate this database at all.  My experience
>has been that Linux people are more privacy-concious than most.

Okay, then if we don't *expect* to populate this thing, then why are 
we having this discussion?

>> >Exactly.  What I'm trying to do is define the scope of our community.
>> >The most reasonable thing I can think of to determine membership in the
>> >'GNHLUG faces' community is to have your face in it.  If I can't see
>> >what you look like, why should you be able to see what I look like?
>> That sounds reasonable to me :)
>Good, that's what I've been trying to say all along.

Then why didn't you just say so? ;)


                          God Bless America!

        ...we don't need to be perfect to be the best around,
                and we never stop trying to be better. 
                       Tom Clancy, The Bear and The Dragon

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