On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 11:17:34AM -0500, mike ledoux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 11:06:24AM -0500, Paul Lussier wrote:
> > Someone has privately e-mailed and raised the privacy issue.  While I 
> > think this "faces" database would be useful, I am a little concerned 
> > about search engines indexing our images (anyone seend 
> > images.google.com?)
> > Could this be prevented by adding password access to the images page?
> > Or, should we https it as well?
> First, I'd like to emphasize that any such database would, by nature,
> be strictly optional.  Anyone that doesn't want to be in it won't be.
> As for restricted access, I had taken it as a given that any such database
> wouldn't be publicly accessable (I certainly don't want my ugly mug
> on google!).  A password protected webpage seems like a good idea, but who
> do you allow in?  You'd want to allow everyone who has a photo posted,
> obviously, but what about 'GNHLUG members' that don't post a photo?
> Given our open membership, does it make sense to treat 'GNHLUG members'
> any differently from the general public?

    I seems to me that a standard robots.txt file would prevent at least
the common search engines from indexing the pages.

 "We have to make a management decision."
   -- Jerry Mason, Morton Thiokol Inc., before launching the "Challenger"

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