James Manning wrote:
> [Rodent of Unusual Size]
> > Anyone else seen this?  Or have a suggestion on how to proceed?
> sounds like the LANG/LC/etc settings issues.  iirc, LC_SORT=C
> LANG=C, or something like that.  I forget :)

*@&#*(&@!!!  LANG="en_US", LC_COLLATE=(not set).  Changing
to LC_COLLATE=C fixed things -- but that's freakin' non-obvious.
Useta work, didna change anything -- except the OS upgrade. :-(


> Millennium, too! ;)

Speaking of which, I had to reboot one of my long-running systems
last Thursday.  I'm now down to only one (1!) system that's been
running since the last millennium. (wah!)
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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