In a message dated: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 09:27:59 EDT
Bill Sconce said:

>(Is a message board at all like a wiki?)

You know, this whole wiki thing is one of those areas that I just 
don't get.  Bruce has shown us Twiki at a MELBA meeting, I've poked 
around on our wiki that Bruce has set up, and a few others, and I 
*still* don't get it.  

What is it that people find so useful about these things?  I find 
them more confusing and irritating than anything, and I'm sure it's 
because I just don't understand how they're *supposed* to be used.

To me, FAQ-O-Matic is far more useful; it's hierarchical, it's quite 
structured, and can be used to disseminate information in a very 
straightforward and logical manner.  I don't see that with wikis.

And no, FAQ-O-Matic is not just restricted to FAQs or Q&A form, you 
can use it however you wish.

Can someone please explain to me what I'm missing about wikis?
I'd really like to understand it, especially if I can use it to my 
advantage :)


        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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