On Tue, 04 Jun 2002 10:53:02 -0400

> In a message dated: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 09:27:59 EDT
> Bill Sconce said:
> >(Is a message board at all like a wiki?)
> You know, this whole wiki thing is one of those areas that I just 
> don't get.  Bruce has shown us Twiki at a MELBA meeting, I've poked 
> around on our wiki that Bruce has set up, and a few others, and I 
> *still* don't get it.  

I'm sorry if my suggestion inadvertently added more heat than light.
The original poster was asking about tools which would fulfill a need
of his, a need which was not completely laid out for us.  (Wikis are
most valuable as collaborative-teamwork tools, if I understand

For what it's worth, *I* don't get message boards.  Several other
groups(*) I'm involved with have tried to set up message boards,
or message-board-like facilities, in the past few months;  the
ensuing dialogue in each case was suggestive of a solution in
search of a problem.

I'm not attacking message boards;  I just don't understand them.


(*) International Aerobatic Club;  Nashua Area Radio Club;  Libranet
Users' Group;  Linux Weekly News;  varying efforts from March 2002
to the present.  Sometimes (e.g., Libranet) the effort seemed to spring
from a hacker's well-meaning desire to mess around with something fun;
once (IAC) evidence quickly appeared which implied that advertisers had
convinced club HQ to provide a platform for hawking commercial wares
to the membership.  (The latter was quickly pulled amid a firestorm
of protest, with considerable embarrassment to HQ.)

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