Le mardi 05 août 2008 à 22:59 -0400, Dan Winship a écrit :
> Claude Paroz wrote:
> > Le lundi 04 août 2008 à 07:37 -0400, Dan Winship a écrit :
> > Dan, do you have criteria to include new cities?
> > For example, for Liechtenstein, a very small country of 160 km2 and
> > 35000 inhabitants, there is 11 cities. What's the use case?
> The vast Liechtensteinian GNOME hacker contingent? Important enterprise
> desktop sales among Lichtenstienian megacorporations?

Until now, I was only aware of the French-domination plot. This one
seems a more secret one :-P

> Hm... so basically this was the script being dumb. One of the criteria I
> was using to decide "major cities" was "cities that are the capitals of
> top-level administrative divisions" (eg, states provinces, etc), because
> our dataset has that information for most countries, but it doesn't have
> population information. This heuristic worked really well in some
> countries, but then in other places it looks like it's just filling
> Locations.xml up with crap...
> So I took out that rule and regenerated Locations.xml.in, and now 10 of
> those 11 cities in Liechtenstein are gone, along with 619 other cities
> around the world. (A couple dozen of those cities actually *are* major
> cities that we want to eventually put back, but we can fix those later.)

Thanks for fixing this.


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