On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 21:42 +0300, Александър Шопов wrote:
> This immense change is something that I personally do not approve of. 
> Translating cities, huts, hamlets and jerk water somewhere is no
> particular fun. And there is no particular use of this.
> I as a coordinator of the Bulgarian Gnome project am putting translation
> of the places in gweather in the trash.
> The developers of gweather can scrape atlases and maps for whatever
> damn, uninhabited place on Earth (or Moon actually, why the smeg is Mare
> Tranquillitatis missing from gweather?) or stranded military base.
> Life is way too short for this shit.
> The least they could have done is to have provided us with IPA
> transcriptions.
> I cannot think of any motif for their deed but the direst passion to be
> blogged about in linuxhaters.
> Come on guys, you could have contacted the team there directly, no need
> for such convoluted ways. This is not the incredible machine, you are
> not Rube Goldberg.
> al_shopov

Please keep your rants to yourself, or just send to linuxhaters
directly.  This kind of language is *not* appreciated.  Neither by
gweather developers, nor by other translators, or any other member of
the project, or really, any sane person.


"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little
 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
        -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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