Le jeudi 11 septembre 2008 à 00:58 +0200, Andre Klapper a écrit :
> Am Mittwoch, den 10.09.2008, 10:13 +0300 schrieb Александър Шопов:
> > > Why isn't this happening? Aren't you
> > > interested in a good and correct localization of GNOME in your language?
> > Exactly because of that. Every time I go through Bugzilla I have to
> > decide whether it is worth the time and effort or should I just keep on
> > translating and produce a "good and correct localization of GNOME in my
> > language". This can sound egoistical but there are deadlines we have to
> > meet especially when there is a release.
> I understand that, hence I especially want those teams that (in my
> impression) have larger resources of translators to do this, not the
> small teams of 2 or 4 people.
> I especially have the Spanish and French team in mind because they've
> been starting translating very early in the cycle, way before string
> freeze took place.
> Jorge, Claude - around?

Hrm, which Claude ;-) ?

I admit I don't always take the time to report all difficult strings
without context.
And don't be fooled, we aren't such a big team of translators either. We
are only 4-5 regular translators and time also matter for us !
But if everyone does its part. we'll win the world. Yeaaahhhh !

Claude (who may have drunk too much tea...)

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