Nice help page.  Just having a look at it for the first time.   Ummm wonder
if that's bad... Using Gnome-Shell for over a month now and only now
noticing the help pages... [?]   Maybe there's an idea.  Have a check box in
the help page to open at startup.  Then the user can de-select it.   (or is
that like screaming RTFM?)

In anycase I really do like the help pages.

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 10:02 PM, Jason D. Clinton <>wrote:

> On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 20:59, G. Michael Carter <>wrote:
>> On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 9:44 PM, Adam Tauno Williams <
>>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2011-05-06 at 08:01 +0800, Allan E. Registos wrote:
>>> > On Friday, 06 May, 2011 01:54 AM, G. Michael Carter wrote:
>>> > That's the best thing to do and will certainly reduced people
>>> > complaining the same thing (No taskbar, no min/max, no power-off, crap
>>> > notifications, etc.)
>>> Eh? Seriously?  Have you seen <>.  There you go -
>>> videos.
>> Point is your typically not getting gnome3 by going to that website.  Your
>> getting gnome 3 from Fedora or something else.   I only recently found out
>> that site existed.   That's where the welcome screen comes in handy.   For
>> the users just picking up a Fedora CD and going with it.
> Please join the docs team and help us get the videos embedded in Yelp for
> 3.2. I'm already toying with the idea of new video content. With strict
> adherence to freeze schedule, we'll get them done in plenty of time for
> translators.


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