On Sun, 2013-03-10 at 10:08 +0100, Donato Marrazzo wrote:
> In Files app, there is an "engine wheel" in the top right corner,
> where some options have place, and even there is an arrow button near
> the engine wheel with other option: so you have to remember which
> actions are in the AppMenu, in the engine wheel and in the arrow
> button.

The Files / Nautilus application in GNOME Shell is certainly the most
confusing.  I'm a system and network administrator for 25+ years... I
have no idea what that gear icon / drop-down menu is supposed to mean.
In most apps I don't have any real issues with the menus -  Files /
Nautilus is currently a mess.

> The other problem with AppMenu is that iit's far from the window
> content so it requires a long trip for the mouse.
> But we already discuss these concerns in the list and almost everybody
> agreed that the AppMenu requires a deep redesign. 

I'm not sure what a "deep redesign" is; but, for the record, I'm certain
I would not agree with that.  The intent of the AppMenu seems quite
clear and it works just fine in current versions even with
focus-follows-mouse.  It needs some polish, and some consistency across
applications [which, really, is up to the applications to do].  I do not
see any "deep" problems.  Mostly, it just seems a bit arbitrary;  but
that is not surprising, categorization is actually really hard.  What is
obvious to one is oblivious to another;  that doesn't give either side a
moral high-ground [and it is really JUST A @*$&*@ MENU AFTER ALL].  It
will probably settle down to a defacto standard given time.

Adam Tauno Williams  GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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