Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:
|> I would like to make the following proposal for the binary
|> distribution of the Windows NT version of lilypond.
|Let me first stress, that I've got nothing to do the NT port, so all
|my comments are to be taken for what they're worth.

Disclaimer... more disclaimer :)

|> 2. I propose a python version of ly2dvi called ly2dvi32.py.  This will
|>    allow Window's folks to generate music with titles and the like.
|I would like  to propose to redo ly2dvi in python completely.  It
|doesn't make sense to have a sh script around when a working .py
|script is there. 

Jan, What do you think of this?

|> 1. Hard coded lilypond search path does not suit relocation of
|>    the binary.  
|>    o ly2dvi32.py will handle this thru the use of argv[0].
|>    o We could make lilypond's internal search path use argv[0] as a
|>      seed to the internal search path.
|It could be done; however, on Unix argv[0] is usually useless.

Ooops (red faced) yep, I've been writting in too many script languages

|> 4. Environment variables.  Not being an experienced NT user I don't
|>    know if this is an issue or not.  Many programs seem to set values
|>    in the registry during the post installation process.  I'm not so
|>    crazy about this however.
|me too.  But it might be inescapable for TeX and MF.  Have you given
|this thought?

I am using MikTeX and it seems to support a variety ways to set the
search path.  I simply set TEXINPUTS in ly2dvi32.py and things seem to
work.  Folks that are running lilypond standalone with the version
rooted directory structure would either edit a runtime TeX config
file or set an environment file.

|> 5. I presently can not generate the web documentation due to my
|>    inability to find command line graphic translators for the Windows
|>    NT platform.  
|>    o Any suggestions for pstogif etc. on windows?
|ps-to-gif is in buildscripts/.  You need the PBM utilities.

All of the ps-to-gifs utilities I researched use gs to go to ppm.
Unfortunately, ppm is not a supported device in the NT distribution of
gstools.  And furthermore, if I am not mistaken, the PBM package
relies on 'X' and I presently don't have X on my NT box and really
don't want to go down that road.  Any other suggestions?

|> I have a rough draft of python32.py that I have been using.  And with
|> the blessing of the major contributors, I would be willing to
|> distribute the proposed binary to anyone who is interested.
|That is OK.  There is one issue remaining: an FTP site.  I want to
|migrate away from  pcnov095.win.tue.nl, because of various
|inconveniences, so I would appreciate it if you set up an FTP site or
|web site yourself.

Han-Wen, are you asking for an alternate place for putting lilypond
homepage or a web site just for Windows NT distributions?  I only pay
for 5Meg of disk space from my provider.  I could most definitely
provide a lilypond Windows NT web site.  Any suggestions on look
and/or content of such a Web site.


Jeffrey B. Reed

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