
I haven't been using Lilypond for very long, and
am having some difficulties. (Other mail mentions
problems about long lyric extenders.) I am entering
a 5 part vocal piece. Sometimes, I get the error

0][1][2][pure virtual method called

I don't really understand why this occurs. In my
searching, I have found that I can comment out
a section of music here, or a section of music 
there, or a set of lyrics, and the error goes
away. It's very confusing.

The rest of this email illustrates my problem.
I apologise for the mixture of (poor) styles in
my source: I'm trying lots of things to try to
work out the source of these errors.

You will see below a section (context?) called
AnnaLyrics. If I comment out these lines, then
Lilypond compiles (with a few warnings), and
the pure virtual function error doesn't happen.

I would appreciate any help that people could
offer, particularly details about the Spanner



Script started on Wed Mar 10 07:35:38 1999

[jdy@localhost music]$ cat dunstable.ly
% O rosa bella
% Dunstable, arr Ockeghem

\include "paper26.ly"

AnnaNotes  =\notes{
  \clef "treble";
  \key f;
  \relative c' {
  \time 4/4; r1 |
  \time 6/4; r1. |
  \time 4/4; g'2 bes4. g8 |
  a2 g4 d~ | [d8 e] f4 g a~ | [a8 f] g4. [fis8 fis e] | g4 [f?8 e] d2 |
  r4 c d [c8 bes] | a2 g | g r4 d' | d d bes g |
  r g' f bes | [a8 g g f] [es d] g4~  | g fis g2 | 

  a2 bes4 g~ | g g d4. e8 | f4 f g bes~ | bes a2 g4~ |
  g a [f8 e] e4 | [d8 c bes a] g2 | d'2 r4 g | f2 es |
  d4 d4. e8 f4 | g g, a2 | g4 r4 d'2 |
  es4 [d8 c] bes2 | c4 d4. e?4 f8 | g4 [f8 g] a2 |

  a2 a4 a | bes c d [c8 bes]

\score {

  \type ChoirStaff <
    \type Staff = Anna \notes{ \AnnaNotes }

    \type Lyrics = AnnaLyrics 
    \lyrics {
         ""1 |
         ""1. |
         O1 __ "O"1 "O"1 __ "O"1  "O"1 
        "O"1  "O"1  "O"2 _4 O ro- sa bel- la,
        _ o dol- ce~a- ni-4 ma mi-1 __ a;2

        Non2. __ mi2 __ las-4 sar2. __ non4 mi las-2 sar 2 mo-2. __
        ri-1. __ re2 _4 in4 cor-2 te-2 
        si-4 a.1 __ in4 cor-2 te-4 _4 in2 cor-2 te-2 si1. a.2


    \type Staff = Penny \notes{
      \clef "treble";
      \key f;
      \relative c' {
       \time 4/4; g'2. e4 |
       \time 6/4; f [e8 f] g4 [f8 es] d2 |
       \time 4/4; r4 c d bes | 
        a2 g | r4 f' g bes | [a8 g] g2 fis4 | g2 r4 f |
        g4 bes [a8 g] g4~ | g fis g2 | r4 d d d | bes g r4 d' |
        es2 d2 | c4 bes g2 | a g |      

        r4 f' g2 | bes a2~ | a4 a g2 | g4 f2 e4 |
        [e8 d8] d4. [cis8 cis8 b8] | d2 r4 g4 | f2 es2 | d4 d4 r4 c4 |
        bes4 d4. [c8 bes a] | g2 r4 f'4 | g a2 f4 | 
        g4 [f8 es] d2 | e?4 f4. g8 a4 | bes [a8 g] fis2 |

%    \type Lyrics = PennyLyrics
%    \lyrics {
%       { \time 4/4; O1 |}
%       { \time 6/4; _1. |}
%       { \time 4/4; _1 | _1 _1 _1 _1
%          _1 _1 _4 O ro- sa bel- la, _ O
%          dol-2 "ce a-"2 ni-4 ma mi1 __ a2
%       }}
    \type Staff = Martin \notes{
      \clef "treble";
      \key f;
      \relative c' {
      { \time 4/4; r1 |}
      { \time 6/4; r1 r2 |}
      { \time 4/4; g'2. e4 | 
        f [e8 f] g4 [f8 es] | d2 r4 c | d bes a2 | g d |
        g2 c4 g | a2 g~ | g r4 d' | d d bes g |
        r4 c2 b4 | [c8 d e f] [g a] g4~ | [g8 fis fis e] g4 r4 |

        d2 g,2 | r4 g'4 f2~ | f4 f e2 | e4 d2 g4~ |
        [g8 f] f4. e8 e4 | d f e2 | d2 r4 g | f2 es |
        d4 d r c | bes d4. [c8 bes a] | g4 c2 bes4 |
        g2 r4 bes | c bes4. a8 f4 | g4. e8 d2 | 


%    \type Lyrics = MartinLyrics
%    \lyrics {
%       { \time 4/4; _1}
%       { \time 6/4; _1.}
%       { \time 4/4; O1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _2. O4 ro- sa bel- la,
%       _4 O2. __ dol-4 ce8 a-8 ni-4 ma2 mi-4 a _
%       }}

    \type Staff = Peter \notes{
      \clef "treble";
      \key f;
      \relative c' {
      { \time 4/4; g'1 |}
      { \time 6/4; a2 g1 |}
      { \time 4/4; c,2 r4 g'4 | 
        d2 d' | bes r2 | f'4 d2 c4 | d2 bes4. c8 |
        d2 es4 d | r2 d4 d | d bes g r | g bes g bes |
        c2 r4 bes | c g bes d~ | d c d2 |

        bes4. c8 d2 | g, d' | a c | r4 bes2 g4~ |
        g d2 r4 | r4 f g4. a8 | bes2 c | d4 bes c2 |
        g2 bes4. c8 | d2 r4 d | e f2 r4 |
        c [d8 es] f2 | r4 bes,4. a8 f4 | bes2 a2 |


 %   \type Lyrics = PeterLyrics
%    \lyrics {
%       { \time 4/4; O1 }
%       { \time 6/4; _1. }
%       { \time 4/4; _2 _4 O
%       _1 _ _ _ _ _2 O4 ro- sa bel- la _ O ro- sa bel-
%       la2 _4 O dol- ce~a- ni- ma2 mi-4 a2
%       }}

    \type Staff = John \notes{
      \clef "treble";
      \key f;
      \relative c' {
      { \time 4/4; g'1 |}
      { \time 6/4; a2 g1 |}
      { \time 4/4; c,2 r4 g'4 | 
        d2 d' | bes r2 | f'4 d2 c4 | d2 bes4. c8 |
        d2 es4 d | r2 d4 d | d bes g r | g bes g bes |
        c2 r4 bes | c g bes d~ | d c d2 |

        bes4. c8 d2 | g, d' | a c | r4 bes2 g4~ |
        g d2 r4 | r4 f g4. a8 | bes2 c | d4 bes c2 |
        g2 bes4. c8 | d2 r4 d | e f2 r4 |
        c [d8 es] f2 | r4 bes,4. a8 f4 | bes2 d,2 |


%    \type Lyrics = JohnLyrics
%    \lyrics {
%       { \time 4/4; O1 }
%       { \time 6/4; _1. }
%       { \time 4/4; _2 _4 O
%       _1 _ _ _ _ _2 O4 ro- sa bel- la _ O ro- sa bel-
%       la2 _4 O dol- ce~a- ni- ma2 mi-4 a2
%       }}

    \bar "|.";

\paper {}

[jdy@localhost music]$ ly2dvi dunstable.ly
ly2dvi 0.0.11
executing: lilypond -I "/usr/share/lilypond/ly" -I
"/usr/share/lilypond/afm" dunstable.ly 2>&1
GNU LilyPond 1.1.26.
Interpreting music...warning: Spanner `Staff_symbol' with equal left and
right spanpoints
warning: Spanner `Separating_group_spanner' with equal left and right
warning: Spanner `Vertical_group_spanner' with equal left and right
dunstable.ly:43:16: warning: junking request: `Extender_req':
        Non2. __ mi2 __
                        las-4 sar2. __ non4 mi las-2 sar 2 mo-2. __
warning: junking request: `Extender_req'

dunstable.ly:44:9: warning: junking request: `Extender_req':
        ri-1. __
                 re2 _4 in4 cor-2 te-2 

warning: junking request: `Extender_req'
time: 2.81 seconds
Preprocessing elements... [/usr/share/lilypond/afm/feta20.afm]
Calculating column positions...
approximated: 255 lines (with an average of 32.1 columns)
calculated exactly: 49 lines (with an average of 35.8 columns)
time: 7.09 seconds
Paper output to dunstable.tex...

Line ... [warning: left spanpoint is right spanpoint

warning: left spanpoint is right spanpoint

warning: left spanpoint is right spanpoint

warning: left spanpoint is right spanpoint

0][1][2][pure virtual method called
ly2dvi: Lilypond failed: lilypond -I "/usr/share/lilypond/ly" -I
"/usr/share/lilypond/afm" dunstable.ly 2>&1
[jdy@localhost music]$ 

Dr John Yesberg               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TCS Group, ITD, DSTO.                     Ph:  +61 8 8259 5728
PO Box 1500, Salisbury SA. 5108.          Fax: +61 8 8259 5589

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