On Nov 26,  8:33, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > >       \times 2/3 { [c8 c8 c8] }                       % a triplet
> > > > 
> > > > I tried this and got 
> > > > 
> > > > tt.ly:3:7: warning: No one to print a tuplet start bracket:
> > > >  \times
> > > >         2/3 { [c8 c8 c8] } 
> > > > [1]
> > > 
> > > You have to have a voice-context for the brackets to be printed.
> > 
> > Why do I need an explicit voice context?  Isn't there an implicit one
> > lurking around?  (Other things whose engravers are in Voice get
> > printed without this.)   
> This is implementation: the Voice context is created when the
> notes/rests/commands (or rather: Requests) are processed.  I think it
> is perfectly legal to have
> \score { \notes
>       \times 2/3 <
>               \type Staff = sa { ... }
>               \type Staff = sb { ... }
>       >
> }
> If \times would create a Voice, this would cause creation of 3 staffs.

It seems to me that it would be of more value to make the above
ILLEGAL and make \times work under normal circumstances without having
to fiddle with the contexts.  Entering triplets is a much more basic
thing than multiplying whole staffs of music by different values.  

Any anyway, the example you quoted doesn't even work because it
doesn't have any Voice contexts.  In other words, which do you want to
force people to do:

Everyone who wants triplets must write:

  \notes \type Voice { ... \times 2/3 { .. } }

or people doing weird stuff like the above can write

\times 2/3 <
   \type Staff = sa { \type Voice { ... }}
   \type Staff = sb { \type Voice { ... }}  

instead of 

   \type Staff = sa { \times 2/3 { ... }}
   \type Staff = sb { \times 2/3 { ... }}  

Notice that the second one, which doesn't work in 1.1.8, is shorter
than the construction presently required.  

Of course, I want to be able to do this:

\notes{ a b \times 2/3 { a b c } d e \times 2/3 {f g a} }

without any wierdness. 

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