jeff covey schreef:
> i'd like to make some blank music paper for myself.  if i do this:
> \score { \notes { \clef violin; \skip 1*100; } \paper {} }
> , i get a sheet of blank staves, but they're all cut up with very
> close-together barlines.  if insert "\cadenza 1;", the barlines go
> away, but now i only have a single staff.  what do i need to do?

I tried something like this:

\score {
        \notes{ s1 \break s1 \break }
        \paper{ linewidth=180.\mm; }

This is how the blanco.tex should look like:

 \placebox{-25.0pt }%
 {4.35715pt }%
 \placebox{-20.0pt }%
 {23.04283pt }%
 \placebox{-20.0pt }%
 {512.149606299213pt }%
 {\maatstreep{20.0pt }%
 \placebox{-10.0pt }%
 {0.0pt }%

If you want empty bars without barlines and clefs you should edit this
file. Remove the lines with '{\show{115}%' and '{\maatstreep{20.0pt }%'.
Edit the next line after such a command to '{}%' (just add a {-bracket).
Your file will look as following now:

\placebox{-25.0pt }%
{4.35715pt }%
\placebox{-20.0pt }%
{23.04283pt }%
\placebox{-20.0pt }%
{512.149606299213pt }%
\placebox{-10.0pt }%
{0.0pt }%

Now you have blank music paper. The staves are a bit close-together. If
it still isn't there, it should be possible to adjust the space between
two staves or at least a minimum and a maximum. If you enter many
dynamics and so on, the space between two staves is getting very large.
I have a dirty trick to make more space between two staves.
\score {\notes { s1_" " break 
and you have more space to write your dynamics on your own hand-written
By the way, why should you write music manually. There is an excelent
music type setting program. It's even free. It called LilyPond...

Maarten Storm  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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