Mats Bengtsson schreef:

> > another thought:  is there any way to tell lily not to print a clef on
> > each line, so this blank paper could be used to write music for
> > whatever instrument(s) i like?
> Try to insert
>   \paper{
>     \translator { \StaffContext
>                   \remove "Clef_engraver";
>                 }
>         }
> within the \score declaration. (I don't have Lilypond available here
> to try it myself, but hopefully it should work.)

Is it possible to leave out the bar lines?
I tried

    \notes{ s1 \break s1 \break }
      \translator { \StaffContext
                    \remove "Bar_engraver";

This gives only one staff. It seems lily can't break after a staff
without putting a bar line.
If this would be possible I could avoid editing the .tex file to get a
blank music paper.

Maarten Storm  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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