John Sankey wrote:

> Would list recipients kindly not acknowledge or reply to any
> comments quoted from me in this thread by Michael Nyvang.
> They were a private e-mail.
> John

I am truly shocked by the attitude of Mr. Sankey, I have never on
the net experienced such an unfriendly attitude.

Mr. Sankey you want to supply ther world with freely available
music scores, yet your own views expressed in personal e-mail
follow-ups as replies to an open minded *and* public post to
this list, you want to hide away ? and you have even not
presented your self to me (how can it then be privat ?).

I must say, this was not what I would expect from a GNU
mailing list - maybe I am just naive.

I will leave this list, as I find it to stressful to be hassled
by Mr. Sankey, sorry about that.

Friendliness seems to be falling fast in proportion to the
growth of the net - I didn't believe that until now.


Anyone else, feel free to mail me *with constructive* comments.
A direct mail to me, will be treated confidentially, a followup
to a public post will not unless explicitly requested - sorry if
I got this wrong - I have *never* intended to offend anyone
- honestly.
Best wishes and all the best to LilyPond,
Michael Nyvang.

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