On 19-Oct-99 Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> from the pavane (no opus number?): 
>   mutopiacomposer =    "Luis Milan (1536-1561)";
> I think that this is not the proper format; that should be L.Milan
> (1536-1561).   Furthermore, I think it is better not to have the
> dates in the mutopiacomposer field. (perhaps a separate field could be
> made):
> In the future it might be necessary to process entries automatically
> if the mutopia headers adhere to a strict format, then directory
> names could be easily be destilled from mutopiacomposer and
> mutopiaopus.

I did think about processing entries automatically but firstly, as you
say, the headers need to be in a very strict format, and secondly there
is some information that I need for the website that wouldn't be
appropriate in the .ly files, eg. size of preview image.

Rather than try and get the header file of each .ly file exactly to
specification (correct case of first letters of words, spacing perfect,
syntax correct, etc.) I've decided to make a data file for each piece
of music, which is stored in the same directory as the music, with the
filename .musicname.dat. The cgi script which generates the table of
music uses this data file to determine what goes in the table. I can
then easily make sure that the data file is in exactly the correct




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