James Hammons wrote:

> Alain CULOS wrote:
> > ly2dvi is not an exe, it is a python script so you should rename it
> > ly2dvi.py or even without renaming it you can run it through
> > python and it will yield the help message.
> Ah, that's why it caused my printer to go haywire!  Anyway, I got python,
> and running ly2dvi through it yields:
> C:\Temp\lilypond\Cygnus\usr\bin>"C:\program files\python\python.exe"
> ly2dvi.py -
> -help
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "ly2dvi.py", line 1167, in ?
>     Props = Properties()
>   File "ly2dvi.py", line 467, in __init__
>     this.rcfile() # Read initialization file(s)
>   File "ly2dvi.py", line 589, in rcfile
>     for d in [os.path.join(this.get('root'),'ly'), \
>   File "C:\Program Files\Python\Lib\ntpath.py", line 44, in join
>     elif path == '' or path[-1:] in '/\\':
> TypeError: unsliceable object
> What now?

Sorry I can't help much on this one, but did you read the README files, and
other stuff that tell you how to install it all ? Anyway, version 1.3.38 does
not work on windows yet so don't bother trying too much. If you want something
that works now, try V1.2.0.


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