> > From: Alain CULOS [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > When you say it [attachment angels.dvi.gz] looks fine here, do you mean
> that the dvi I 
> > sent in my previous
> > e-mail looks fine on your machine ?
> Alain, your dvi-file does not look fine in my dvi-viewer (yap) either. I
> observe all kinds of strange note heads (diamond and cross shaped) and clefs
> (a kind of round "C"). The locations of the notes on the staffs seem
> correct.
> When I compile angels.ly myself with lilypond, I get correct output.
> I downloaded lilypond (GNU LilyPond 1.2.0.jbr1, Win95 binaries) only last
> week.

Of course it looks wrong to you since Alain used Lilypond 1.3.39 and
you used version 1.2.0 and the font files have changed.


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