On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 11:53:02AM +0200, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> On Thursday, 27 July 2000, Thomas Willhalm writes:
> > The directory is filled up with *.ly, *.midi and *.tex files. This
> > - is a waste of disc space and
> Generate all stuff into an ./out directory, like the LilyPond build
> process does.  `rm out/*' (or `make clean') removes all the cruft.

"rm *.ly *.midi *.tex" removes it, too. That's not the problem. But it
would be better, if it wouldn't be necessary to care about it.

> > - makes it hard to find the midi file of the music that you just changed.
> What's so hard about `ls -ltr'?

Again, it's not difficult to find a workaround, but annoying that you
have to do so.

I can also scroll up and look what file has been processed by lilypond.
It's simply easier and less error-prone to type "kmidi halleluja.midi"
than "kmidi 02327823.midi" (or to use cut'n'paste).

> > Don't get me wrong: I'm very happy that only the music that changed has
> > to be processed -- particularly because my computer isn't up to date.
> > But a unique (descriptive) file name would be nice, too.
> Ok, that's a feature request, the `(descriptive)', that is.  

Well, yes and no. Since lilypond is a free project, I prefer to call it
a "suggestion" and not a "request". 

> > 2. generate the .midi and .tex file only if they are older than the .ly 
> > file
> That's what `make' does for you, right?

That's where I got this idea from. Since I already use a makefile for 
my latex/lilypond file, I wouldn't argue against its use for these 
dependencies. (Though other might think different.)


http://www.thomas.willhalm.de/ (includes pgp key)

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