On Fri, 1 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Have you taken a look at http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/sheetmusic/?
> It has several thousand high quality scans of pre-1921 public domain
> sheet music. The redistribution policy for their images of the music,
> as stated in the FAQ, is as follows: "The music is intended for
> personal, research, or educational use only. For these purposes, you
> may reproduce (print, make copies, or download)  materials from this
> web site without prior permission, on the condition that you provide
> proper attribution of the source in all copies (Historic American
> Sheet Music Project, Duke University Rare Book, Manuscript, and
> Special Collections Library)." Do take a look at this, as I believe
> that you will find more than enough high resolution scans for your
> purposes.

        That's a peculiar redistribution policy. IANAL, but would a scan
of something in the public domain constitute a derivative work that
wouldn't be in the public domain? It doesn't seem so to me.


Matt Hiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       
Denemo - the GNU graphical music notation editor

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