> From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 13 Dec 2000 15:47:51 +0100

> [...] I just don't want to see any suggestions
> or advocacy for, or discussions about, non-free softwares packages
> that may fill a particular practical need. 

What is this good for? Do you fear non-free packages?

Imho it should be very welcome if someone can tell that something,
what may be missing in a free package, can be afforded with another
package - free or non-free.

> This is not the place, you
> should take that to another forum, eg, rec.music.compose.

Composing was only one aspect. Typesetting music was another aspect.

Maybe that I should investigate whether some minor problems on our
ftp-server are caused by having there msuic generated with MusiXTeX,
PMX, M-Tx, MUP, Note Worthy Composer, Score, ... and Lilypond :-(

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