Christian Mondrup wrote:
> David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> >
> > > Even if it might be slightly off-topic I would like to share my very
> > > positive experience with the shareware
> >
> > I do not consider this slightly off topic.  Advocating non free
> > software on a GNU list suggests a more than moderate level of
> > ignorance.
> >
> > Insensitivity?
> > Surely not ignorance. Merry Xmas to all!! :-)
Please don't assume that everything is always in perfect sequence. I was
pouring oil, not trying to insult anyone, and I wrote that before I had
knowledge of that agreement you speak of. I was suggesting that *someone
else* had used a word that he really didn't mean to use, and I did not
intend to echo his sentiments, or even sympathize with them, although I
certainly can understand them, and so can you. Bless you. Enjoy. :-) 


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