Here's a .ps file of that exact mudela you sent me.  Lily 1.3.46  (Attached in offlist 

Is that thing with the whole note followed by two barlines and no space in between an 
intentional notation (analagous to maybe a
multibar condensed rest) or is an error message (analagous to a barcheck failure 
marker- wait a sec is it lily or MusixTex that
marks barcheck failures?  I think it's actually MusixTex that does this).  If this is 
some sort of notation, I've never seen it in
practice in classical or jazz music.  I'm quite sure that if I handed a part like that 
to players most all of them would be

What I wanted out of writing c1. in 6/8 was just a shorthand for writing c2. ~ c2.  
That seems like the "right thing" to me.

BTW- if this is intentional then this is a very similar bug to the multimeasure rest 
thing I complained about.  In the case of the
multimeasure rests, it seems painfully obvious that more that one consecutive measure 
rest should be automatically condensed into a
bar rest by default.  But not only is that behaviour not default, it doesn't exist.  
Lily only knows how to take an R1*3 and turn
it into R1 R1 R1, without knowing how to turn R1 R1 R1 into R1*3.  This seemed so 
common sense that I misread the documentation.
If you want to keep wierd defaults, at least make very deliberate note about it the 

Apologies in advance for any part of this message which is obsoleted by newer releases 
to which I have not yet been willing to

Jeff Henrikson

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