> Is that thing with the whole note followed by two barlines and no space in between 
>an intentional notation (analagous to maybe a
> multibar condensed rest) or is an error message (analagous to a barcheck failure 
>marker- wait a sec is it lily or MusixTex that
> marks barcheck failures?  I think it's actually MusixTex that does this).  If this 
>is some sort of notation, I've never seen it in
> practice in classical or jazz music.  I'm quite sure that if I handed a part like 
>that to players most all of them would be
> confused.
> What I wanted out of writing c1. in 6/8 was just a shorthand for writing c2. ~ c2.  
>That seems like the "right thing" to me.

But, what should happen to the bar line in your oppinion?
Should it be removed completely, drawn through the note or ...?
What about a score where other parts have several notes in 
both bars, how do you want that typeset? 
By default, Lilypond draws a bar line for every bar and 
ir you have inserted a '|' in the code, it checks that 
it occurs on a bar line. I think Lilypond makes the best of
the situation from you ``strange'' request (one note filling
two bars) but if you want to turn off the automatic generation
of bar lines or get some other special notation, it's mostly
easy to obtain by some property setting(s).

> BTW- if this is intentional then this is a very similar bug to the multimeasure rest 
>thing I complained about.  In the case of the
> multimeasure rests, it seems painfully obvious that more that one consecutive 
>measure rest should be automatically condensed into a
> bar rest by default.  But not only is that behaviour not default, it doesn't exist.  
>Lily only knows how to take an R1*3 and turn
> it into R1 R1 R1, without knowing how to turn R1 R1 R1 into R1*3.  This seemed so 
>common sense that I misread the documentation.
> If you want to keep wierd defaults, at least make very deliberate note about it the 

Again, I don't agree that it's weird. I agree that always want
an R1 instead of an r1 in 4/4 meter, but how about 3/4, for example?
Is it obvious that every r2. or 'r2 r4' should be typeset with
a full bar rest (the one you get by 'R2.')? I also agree that it
would be a nice feature for Lilypond to be able to automatically 
combine a number of single bar rests into a multiple bar rest, 
but it should be possible to turn the feature off. If you have
just two-three bars rest, for example, I prefer to have each
bar written out to have something to keep my eyes on when I play
and it also leaves better space for players who want to add their
own cue notes from other parts (it happens too often that the
editor added some cue notes that are impossible to here where
you sit in the orchestra, so it's sometimes better to leave that
to the player).

   (who hasn't implemented any of these feature, in case
    you got that impression from my answer)

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