Lauren Matheson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> One place where it would be meaningful to have entries in a parent and a
> child would be in the setup of 'savings goal' accounts discussed a couple of
> weeks back, an arrangement where 'virtual' entries are being made to a real
> account.

I'm not so sure about that.  I think what we need here is a different
kind of transaction rather than a (mis)-use of the account/subaccount

For example, if you're saving for a purchase, you might decide that
you want to pay for half in cash and the other half with a credit
card, or some from checking and some from savings.  You want to make
"virtual" contributions to the savings account from multiple real

This would require a flag on a split/transaction that indicates the
split is virtual, and some framework for displaying them differently
and handling the "payoff" (where you transfer real money out of your
real account to pay for the real object, and "give back" all the
virtual contributions you made).

This is a slightly more involved solution, but it's a lot more
flexible and doesn't require the weird account-subaccount tree.

Bill Gribble

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