On Jan 25, 2013, at 9:43 AM, Geert Janssens <janssens-ge...@telenet.be> wrote:

> On 25-01-13 18:12, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> I'm fine with this.  I *may* have some time this weekend, but not a
>> lot.  I promised I'd use this weekend to clean up my office so I wont
>> really be online much.
> I won't have time this weekend.
I don't think we want to do this over this weekend. I'll write the news article 
and contact the github fork owners today. I don't know how to (or who would) 
propagate the news article onto the social networks.  Just for redundancy I'll 
copy it onto the mailing lists as well.
>> Also, I'll need some help with:
>> 1) setting up the repos to point to github.  I suspect this just
>> requires setting up an origin or something to properly push, but I'm
>> still a git newbie and would like to get someone more knowledgable to
>> help.
> I'll leave this to John.

Yup, just set up a remote and set the hook to push to it. If you change the 
origin url to github, then an unqualified push will go there.

I guess the best way would be svn->gitolite->github, so when we drop svn and 
start committing to gitolite directly we don't have to do anything. Is that 
what's in place now (except to a stand-in repo on code.gnucash.org instead of 

>> 2) writing the gitolite hook script(s) to push the updates up.  Again, I
>> want to make sure it's done right.
> We could write pure git hook scripts and insert them in each repo, but I 
> think it would be more useful to manage all the hook scripts inside the 
> gitolite-admin repo. This will allow each admin to make the necessary updates.
> In order to do so, you will have to configure gitolite to look for hooks in 
> the gitolite-admin repo. Here's a starting point:
> http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/cust.html#hooks
> http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/cust.html#pushcode
> Basically, you set LOCAL_CODE to some location inside the gitolite-admin repo 
> and create the directory structure as shown in the second link. Then we can 
> add hooks in hooks/common. From what I understand, gitolite hooks are just 
> like git hooks, with the exception that the "update" hook is reserved for 
> gitolite.
> So we need to figure out what is the equivalent git hook to svn's 
> post-commit, and write a script that does what we want: send mails upon 
> commit. From
> http://git-scm.com/book/ch7-3.html
> I find a post-commit hook that can be used or the server side's post-receive. 
> The former is closer to the svn's post-commit, so is probably the easiest to 
> work from.

These other hooks need to happen sometime before we drop svn, but that's not 
going to be for a while, so there's plenty of time to work on it... though once 
the website hook is in place we surely could drop svn for docs and htdocs, 
since there's no 2.4 tail holding us back.

>> Once we do this then we should make sure that the only account that can
>> write into the github repos is the code-gnucash-org account that I set
>> up specifically for the server automation.
> Except for some admins maybe, just in case something goes out of sync and 
> some manual intervention is needed. Anyway, modifying these write permissions 
> is straightforward on github.

Which, AFAICT is how it's set up right now.
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