My notes populated automatically on 5.0, they didn't on 5.3.  I downgraded to 5.0 and they do again.  The pop-up list works the same for me on 5.0 and 5.3 except for the added option to disable it.  I wouldn't want to disable it unless I got the old behavior back, but the old behavior seems to clearly be going away seeing as how it was removed from another field in 5.3.  The reason my description field has large lists is because of previous changes to the OFX/QFX importer meaning that I manually populate that field for certain accounts now while it was automatically populated previously.  My understanding is that behavioral change wasn't the work of the GunCash dev team, so it is what it is.  While it also affects my notes field, the automatic typing in my notes field is more similar to the automatic typing in your description field.  I basically use them for the opposite of what you do due to how the OFX/QFX importer worked (and technically would probably still do the same now, it's just more work with the new importer behavior).

That having been said, the OFX/QFX importer behavior actually improved slightly in 5.3 when compared to 5.0, so maybe I should try 5.1 and 5.2 to see if I can find something in between to stick with for as long as possible.

On 6/29/23 4:18 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
I just upgraded to 5.3-1 on Monterey and it works fine.

I did have to accept the suggestion from the list and then Tab but it populated with an autofill of memo, amounts, et cetera from my last transaction with the same Description.

I'll add here that I use GnuCash with old paper and pen habits, that is, I use the 'Description' field as strictly a 'Payee/Payor' field. Actual descriptive information I put in the Notes and/or Memo fields. (Notes for the whole transaction, Memos for things specific to a split) That usage greatly simplifies my Description list. It may not suit everyone of course.


On 6/29/23 10:42 AM, Dustin Henning wrote:
And it's worse.  Guess I REALLY should have read the release notes.  Now notes doesn't autofiill the old way anyymore so I have to manually type even more.  My search still isn't begins with, either, so my list is still extremely long.  I guess maybe they missed that on Mac.  At least everybody else is happy with the improvements.  I'm used to being an outlier, so it is what it is.

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