On 06/30/2019 08:55 AM, Andrew Gallagher wrote:
>> On 30 Jun 2019, at 15:07, Erich Eckner via Gnupg-users 
>> <gnupg-users@gnupg.org> wrote:
>> maybe I don't get the original idea - but I thought, it was to block 
>> *uploads/updates* which would poisson a certificate - not to blackhole them 
>> after they got poissoned?

No, I did mean blackholing poisoned certs.

> Hm, that’s not how I read it, although I could be wrong. It is possible to 
> prevent submission of bad keys, but this just leads to new problems:
> 1. We would have to ensure that all keyservers block the same uploads. One 
> permissive keyserver is a backdoor into the entire system. We can’t block bad 
> keys at reconciliation time for the same reasons that have been hashed to 
> death already. 
> 2. Although it may be possible to block an individual upload of tens of 
> thousands of key packets, it will not in general be possible to prevent an 
> attacker from incrementally increasing the number of packets attached to a 
> key over time. If we impose a reasonable limit on the cumulative number of 
> packets attached to a key, that key may never become undownloadable, but it 
> will at some point become unmodifiable - so we have just transformed one DOS 
> vector into a different one.
> A 

It does seem that it's impossible to keep certs on the current SKS
network from being poisoned. I only see two alternatives: 1) fixing SKS,
and 2) replacing SKS. And meanwhile, preventing poisoned certs on SKS
from doing further damage.

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