Hi Alyssa,

On 02.07.2019 00:43, Alyssa Ross wrote:
The impression I got was that they're very optimistic about their
ability to handle traffic to their server -- they were happy to have a
distro make the switch, and will be changing the defaults in Enigmail
and OpenKeychain very soon, as I understand it.

I did work on one scheme that uses OpenPGP and I did some extensive tests even before keys.openpgp.org was announced and in terms of reliability it's day vs night compared to SKS.

Hagrid, as far as understand it, serves keys from static files so it by design has good performance. SKS on the other hand requires caches in front of the server and, in my tests, it was frequent that an old version persisted in the cache long after I updated a key.

No such issues on keys.openpgp.org, gpg --send-key and the new updated key is immediately available with no time outs or delays.

It is a real shame that a decentralized Hagrid isn't really possible,
though, at least to my understanding. It's quite the limitation for

Decentralized non-identity information hagrid could still be possible. It's just a question over which protocol to synchronize this kind of data.

Kind regards,


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