I would agree with Adams answer, go for a dummy graphics backend.
Perhaps we could even rewrite the back makefile to have gsc usable as such?
As I understand it you will need a window, or rather event server based
on SDL. Put that into back and perhaps somebody may later add code to
make this a full backend. I love to see huge things being build up by
people only requiring small parts of it.


Adam Fedor schrieb:
> As long as you don't call [NSApplication sharedApplication] (or, in
> fact, initialize NSApplication at all), you can use classes in the gui
> without a backend.  But you have to be careful not to use any
> classes/methods that cause any display or drawing.  Also you could
> create a dummy backend (something like gsc in gnustep-back). That does
> nothing or does what you want it (see documentation for GSDisplayServer
> and NSGraphicsContext).
> On Sep 10, 2006, at 2:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Gregory,
>> Thanks for your answer.
>> I dont want to make a 'gnustep application', but an 'application
>> using gnustep' ;-)
>> Actually i want to make a tiny 3D game in objective C. You may see
>> that as a training (for me) and a test of the efficiency of
>> objective c for that kind of application. SDL is imho a good choice
>> for a game, and gnustep is a good choice for objective C.
>> Basically i need a simple cross-platform multimedia library, with
>> _joystick_support_, fullscreen display, custom resolution... Gnustep
>> cant do that, but can do many other useful things. And I'd like to
>> write some code that might be run/resuse later on a full gnustep
>> system, and then i have to write some NS-compatible classes.
>> In brief I need something like a NSApplication class that does not
>> need any NSWindow object. I could (try to) write it from scratch,
>> but i'd prefer reuse gnustep classes if i can : they are better than
>> anything i could make...
>> TIA
>> Xavier
>> Selon Gregory John Casamento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Xavier,
>>> You've given little information about what you're actually trying to do.
>>> Your email details how you would like to solve the issue, but doesn't
>>> clearly
>>> define what the issue is.
>>> Based on the fact that you briefly mention OpenGL, I assume you
>>  want to make
>>> a GNUstep application which displays OpenGL graphics.  GNUstep has an
>>> implementation of NSOpenGLView which allows OpenGL to be directly
>>> displayed
>>> in the view.   GNUstep does this by creating an OpenGL window and
>>> reparenting
>>> it to the view, thus not incurring any overhead.
>>> Is there some issue with using this?
>>> Later, GJC
>>> --Gregory Casamento
>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> To: gnustep-dev@gnu.org
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 11:59:00 AM
>>> Subject: question to backend/gui guru...
>>> Hello
>>> I intend to write a SDL+OpenGL application based on gnustep.
>>> I can use gnustep-base without problem, but i'd like to use some
>>> parts of
>>> gnustep-gui (event management, ...) without any graphic or window
>>> class/function.
>>> SDL dont provides any graphic function, and I dont want to write à full
>>> SDL+OpenGL backend !!
>>> I dont want to rewrite gnustep in any way. I only want to compile the
>>> classes
>>> i
>>> need in gnustep-gui. But I understand I would have to write a partial
>>> backend,
>>> a "SDL-server", like "win32" or "X11" ones (i hope i can do that...)
>>> I wonder if it would be easy (or at least feasible) to split/compile
>>> gnustep-back and gnustep-gui in two parts : "server" and "system" on one
>>> side,
>>> and "graphics" and "gui" on the other side.
>>> (and then use only (SDL-)server/system)
>>> Any informations about dependances between classes will be welcome ! Its
>>> quite
>>> obscur for me... :o\
>>> In brief : feasible or not ?  thnks in advance !

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