On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Riccardo Mottola <mul...@ngi.it> wrote:
> Hi,
>> I actually wrote the feature on a netbook...
>> Personally I think it's the _right_ way -- the xor splitview is imho
>> just a hack (and OSX is of course using live resizing). Now, doing
>> live resize may expose some slowness in -gui, but instead of fighting
>> the messenger we should fix it.
>> That being said, it's imho fast enough as it is now.
> That's fine then. I would add it as a global variable to enable/it disable
> it. The same way live window resizing should have.
> Even on the mac you can disable several effects (for example with small
> tools). This is very useful also for remote display. Under windows, if you
> use RDP to access your terminal, depending on the connection, many features
> get disabled: shadows under the cursor, funky progressive display menus,
> shadows under the menus and so on. All those things have keys in the
> registry (which any speed-up software can tweak for you). Our version of the
> registry is the defaults system.

Submitted in revision 28291, it's doing live resize by default but
users can revert back to the old mechanism by doing:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSUseGhostResize YES

Nicolas Roard
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound
they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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