
I think this subject has come up here before. Anyway,
konkani classes were started here in the mid-80s under
the late theatrist Richard Fernandes. I think for a
start there were at least 20 people which dwindled
The government had provided $800 for this but because
of poor response the money had to be returned.
Two years ago, a teacher (now retired) said she had
recommended teaching konkani to students. The Catholic
School Board had okayed the proposal provided there
was a minimum number of students. But the efforts
failed to enroll the required number and, hence, it
never materialized.
I attended the event where it was declared with Board
officials present. My credit to the teacher (whose
name I now forget) for trying.
I don't want to sound negative. It would take lot of
efforts to draw Goans, specially the young, to the
classes. But it's worth a try after so many years.
BTW, what's "colloquial konkani"?

Eugene Correia

--- Cip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Archives:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goa-net/
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Goanet2003/
> Congratulations to Tim, all other organisers,
> teachers and students!
> Very best wishes to Tim, organisers, supporters,
> teachers and of course all
> Konkani students.
> This is an great opportunity to fellow Goans in
> Ontario, Canada to learn
> Konkani (the language of our ancestors). It appears
> that this just a
> beginning, soon the Konkani language perhaps will be
> taught in many other
> countries wherever Goans are settled.
> This determination of Tim is to be appreciated. This
> reminds me Mr. Pascoal
> de Mello (Tim's father) who had good command over
> Konkani language. I
> listened his Konkani speeches couple of times.
> Once again good luck and very best wishes
> Cip Fernandes
> London
> -----Original Message-----
> Tim de Mello [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on
> 31/01/03
> O.K. - we are almost set to rock-n-roll here.
> Here is a heads-up.
> We have a teacher and we will settle on a classroom
> early next week (most
> probably St. Valentine's School in Mississauga).
> Probable day date is Friday
> from 7 pm to 9 pm. Start date for the course will be
> determined by end of
> next week.
> Six people have registered so far - on just my first
> set of phone calls for
> an expression of interest!
> The curriculum will be something like this (to be
> confirmed)
> 1. The teaching of colloquial konkani - the main
> objective.
> The course will also cover:
> 2. Some basic differences of the language in North
> Goa vs. South Goa,
> between Christians and Hindus, between Konkani and
> Marathi.
> 3. A basic overview of how Konkani is written in the
> Devnagari and Roman
> scripts
> I anticipate these evenings to be more social/fun
> evenings with snacks & pop
> drinks served during the break.
> There will be a cost associated with this course.
> The following will have to
> be paid for:
> a. the room
> b. the tutor and materials
> c. snacks and pop
> The fee will be determined by all participating at
> our first meeting. The
> individual costs will be tabled and we will
> collectively decide on an
> appropriate fee for the course.
> Those of you interested in participating are invited
> to e-mail me privately
> in the first instance with your phone number. I will
> then call you back.
> Also, anyone with any other (constructive) comments,
> is invited to write to
> me either via goanet or privately.
> Tim de Mello
> Ontario, CANADA
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