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The following list of "deadly weapons", quite
transparently presented to salvage the sinking
credibility of the present U.S. government, which
perpetrated the dishonest and illegal misadventure in
Iraq, is an amateurish and laughable (and/or
deceptive) list of duds. Expert investigators like
David Kay and Charles Duelfer have rejected these
items as insignificant, and have concluded that there
were no WMDs in Iraq at the time of its illegal
invasion. Any ordinary chemist or physicist would
laugh at what has been presented as "deadly weapons"

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cited from
Richard Miniter's book:

> • Found: 1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium

What is needed to make an atom bomb is Highly Enriched
Uranium or HEU. The U.S. and U.N. expert investigators
found no evidence for HEU in any significant

> • Found: 1,500 gallons of chemical weapons

Pretty amateurish statement or a deliberate attempt at
deception. 1500 gallons of what chemical? How was it

> • Found: Roadside bomb loaded with sarin gas

One roadside bomb? How ridiculous!

> • Found: 1,000 radioactive materials--ideal for
> radioactive dirty bombs

Again, another amateurish statement or a deliberate
attempt at deception. Any large radiation physics
laboratory would possess 1000 radioactive materials.
Note the nonsensical teaser "ideal for radioactive
dirty bombs". 

> • Found: 17 chemical warheads--some containing
> cyclosarin, a nerve agent five times more powerful
> than sarin

It is well known that these were defunct and inactive
buried scraps from the Gulf War.



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