re this from Martinho de Souza from Oz : < "Malaria had been eradicated from India but has again raised its ugly head in that country. Let's hope that Goa, which borders India, will escape its

Savika Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote : " EXCUSE ME?????"

Dear Savika,

I believe that I have never before seen a GoaNet posting in RED. I always thought that GoaNet Rules stated quite clearly : " Do not post messages in HTML or MIME formats, i.e. no bold, italics, colored text, etc."

But, I suppose, you have been given the special pass to post in RED ! Hey, Valentine's Day has just passed.


What is it from Martinho de Souza post that you are requesting (forcefully) to be EXCUSED from ?

1. That Malaria HAD been eradicated from India ? and/or

2: That Malaria HAS raised its ugly head in that country? and/or

3. Goa (hopefully) will escape its (Malaria's) onslaught ? and or

4. That Goa borders India ?

grateful for your response


1:  for those who would like to know more about Malaria & Goa

" Malaria returns to Goa: Chaos & blatant Corruption over the past 40 years of Indian rule in Goa causes the return of deadly chloroquine resistant malaria:

2: I believe that Martinho de Souza from Oz is quite a dreamer IF he thinks that the ANNEXATION of Goa is NOT final - like the Chinese annexation of Tibet.

But then may be, he is looking up the facts that..... so did Sadaam think about his annexation of Kuwait, or Suharto wrt East Timor.

Martinho de Souza from Oz forgets that the only Oil Goa has, is Coconut Oil - So far, the Hanchos have not heard about the benefits of Coconut Oil .....or else ...they would have been there (like they were with Kuwait and E. Timor)

(for East Timor reference pl see: )

3: You surely know the 'publicised' pretext India used for invading Goa you Not? : The Portuguese had amassed huge amounts of weapons (no WMDs) in Goa (Did they ever find them?) and that Goa was to be a US/NATO base (any evidence of that?)

Just to tell us ordinary people that politicians con us ordinary folk. And we ordinary folk who claim to be powerful in alleged democracies ....are actually guillible fools.

I will add this Savika ..... an ideal EXCUSE ME ......would have been wrt Dabolim ....the Civilian Airport which has been grabbed, and with Anjediva

Any comments besides ....the boogie man "National Security" stuff?



My views on E. Timor have zip to do with the city of Colaco (population 18159) in Timor

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