As a second generation NRI, the concept of NRI voting
rights is of great interest to me. Firstly, the term
NRI has been generally misused. NRI, is not a group of
people. The term was primarily a banking concept,
first introduced to accommodate those intrepid souls
that made their way to the Arabian desert. Their
remittances to India were banked under non-taxable,
Non-Resident Indian or Non-Resident Indian (External)
accounts with a massive 12-15% interest rate, to act
as incentive.

In the course of time and evolution, the term has
almost acquired an ethnicity of its own. It's not
uncommon to come across ads, that want NRI grooms, as
if it was a certain section of society with definable
traits and attributes.

I have no qualms about NRIs being given voting rights
but to what end? NRIs, PIOs, expats are an apathetic
lot. I should know. Most of my family is now in
diaspora and much of it second-generation, whose only
link to Goa, is the occasional trip back home to see
the ancestral house, check out if Auty Teodoline
really does sport a mustache and how Uncle Joe talks
about Lisboa with such reverence. Throw in a cruise
down the Mondovi river, a lunch out at Martin's corner
and a drive through hawker-invested Calangute for
souvenirs and, they are ready for the trip back home
having "discovered their roots".

I think Goans living abroad have very little knowledge
and much less interest in the actual problems facing
the people and the polity. They are immersed in their
own daily battles, as they should be. I don't know if
they can truly represent the hopes and aspirations of
Goans living in Goa. I don't know if we should
translate western sensibilities or solutions to
situations that are indigenously Goan. This is my
concern. That of apathy. That we will be giving power
to an apathetic lot and power vested in such a section
of society can be gravely misused.


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