Mario, (Elisabeth and all others),

I do know, what is right here! An NRI is an Indian who is residing abroad and stiil holds on to his/her Indian Passport and Indian Citizenship, and not interested in changing their Staus Quo, and may or may not be liable for taxation in India. (this taxation is dependent on other factors)

With reference to Elisabeth's last post on this, an NRI who is 'ORDINARILY NON RESIDENT' as per 'The Income Tax Act' of India, is one who manages to reside less than 180 days in India in any one fianancial year; and for that year only, such an NRI is not liable for I Tax; but should the person exceed the 180 days stay in India, then that person is liable for tax on all of his/her income for the financial year, irrespective of where the income may have been earned. Such a person does not also forfeit his/her right of vote, as and when they are present at the time of elections, whether tax paying or not.

However, the Govt of India is trying to make sure that such NRIs are gauranteed this 'right of vote', and not be subject to manipulation by the Election Commisiion, thru adverse interference by people like the communal BJP wallahs and other manipulative people.

This happened in Goa when the BJP and supporters were ruling in Goa; A lot of Goan voters who were not present at home at the time of electoral lists review, were struck off the rolls. This included many a Goan working on Ships and in Gulf Countries. The BJP wallahs deliberately did this shameful act, since they know that most people who are working on ships and in Gulf are not Hindu and hindutva inclined! This I feel is the reason behind the 'move' to give 'legal and proper' NRIs the vote, unconditionally.

A PIO is considered to be a person of Indian origin who has taken/ acquired citizenship of another country. Such persons are by law not entitled to vote in India, among other things. Only PIOs with citizenship of other countries are elligible for Dual Citizenship with India. That is why the 'Dual Citizenship' concept has been introduced, so as to make PIOs feel at home and invest/ spend in India and not have to apply and pay for visas every time, etc, at the same time swelling the coffers of the Govt. of India indirectly. Such PIOs with this type of Dual Citizenship are however not allowed to vote in India, or hold any Public Post or acquire Agricultural property, and this is rightly so.

In respect of voting rights for NRIs as descrbed earlier; I think the Govt. should go one step further, and allow them 'POSTAL VOTING' facility at the time of elections in India, from their country of temporary residence. This is allowed and facilitated for Australian citizens anywhere outside the country. So also was the case recently with Iraqi Citizens residing in Australia on bridging visas, when they were allowed to vote from Australia in their Elections back in Iraq!
With regards!

Nasci Caldeira

Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Elisabeth is right.  I am a US citizen but am
considered an NRI in India.
--- Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However, a minor correction on the term NRI.
> The term now encompasses all Indians residing
> outside of India, including Indians who have
> acquired citizenship of other countries and second-
> generation PIOs.

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