Dear Nasci,
Thank you for the example of the Italian Govt.
Whenever we come across information like this it
expands the scope of our debate and allows us to take
decisions with wider perception.

However, a minor correction on the term NRI. You are
right, it does mean Non-Resident Indian, in the purest
sense of the term. It was a tax identity set up to
deal with income ensuring from Non-Resident Indians.

These NRIs, when the term first became popular in the
Indian vernacular by the late 70s, comprised mostly of
Gulf NRIs who remitted to their NRI and NRI(E)
accounts. Technically speaking these NRIs never really
lost their right to vote. If they kept their ration
cards and other forms of identity valid, they could
indeed return during elections and vote.

The term now encompasses all Indians residing outside
of India, including Indians who have acquired
citizenship of other countries and second-generation
PIOs. Hence, we are primarily taking about Indians in
the US, Canada, Uk, Australia, and so forth.

Here is a definition from Wikipedia:
"A non-resident Indian (NRI) is an Indian citizen who
has migrated to another country. Other terms with the
same meaning are (somewhat self-deprecating in
context) desis, overseas Indian and expatriate Indian.
For tax and other official purpose the government of
India considers any Indian national away from India
for more than 180 days in a year an NRI. In common
usage, this often includes Indian born individuals who
have taken the citizenship of other countries."

To me democracy is a vehicle of representation. If I
was a Goan residing in Goa, I certainly would not want
some second-generation expat who shows no signs of
interest in the native country, having the right to
vote. Will this right to vote, be pegged to any sort
of commitment? Will it require some amount of
residency or financial investment? If not, the right
to vote will eventually end up being a vote for
outdated loyalties and/or issues viewed through the
prism of an expat's viewpoint, which may not be
relevant to Goa/India's realities.


--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Elisabeth,
> NRI is a Non Resident Indian, that is a person
> holding an Indian Passport 
> and Citizenship, residing outside India. And in case
> of NRIs in gulf and 
> other like countries these NRIs are not even PR that
> is they are not 
> permanent Residents in the countries where they are
> working as expatriates. 
> Hence they are for all purposes Indians working
> abroad and come 'HOME to 
> India. As such they should have the 'Right of Vote'
> in their respective 
> constituencies back home. Not knowing about certain
> things like u say is no 
> criteria for 'No Vote'. It is the persons inherent
> right to vote, 
> irrespective of other perceived qualities.
> This reminds me of what Nehru said in response to a
> query from a Time 
> Correspondent, at the time of Goa's
> Liberation/Invasion/ Annexation! When 
> the said journo said to Nehru: "most Goans he met in
> Bombay were not in 
> favour of Nehru's impending action". To which Nehru
> replied:"Most Goans in 
> Bombay are cooks and butlers". Do these poeple not
> have the right to decide 
> or vote (n this case)
> just because they are cooks and butlers?? I hope U
> see the analogy.
> A PIO on the other hand is a person of Indian
> Origin, full or half; and this 
> person may or may not be an Indian Citizen; the
> person may be a foreign (non 
> Indian) citizen either acquired thru immigration or
> by birth. These persons 
> who are foreign citizens can never be allowed to
> vote etc in India. That is 
> the natural law!
> For all of the above, I feel that all NRI's who are
> not PR of foreign 
> countries shoiuld be allowed to vote, in their
> respective constituencies in 
> India.
> I will bring to notice the news of the Italian Govt.
> from this year allowing 
> Italian NRI's in Australia, not only to vote in
> Italian Elections but also 
> to have their own Reps in both houses of the Italian
> Parliament. These were 
> duly elected here in Australia by these NRI's and
> are now sitting in the 
> Italian Parliament on behalf of the NRI's. I was
> pleasently surprised; but 
> again that is true democracy in action.
> Nasci Caldeira
> Melbourne.

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