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Elisabeth, My friend Charles Camara, a Madganvkar who was at the
socant.su.se (I clearly remember his charles.camara email address --
aren't Swedish email addresses so practical!) -- or The Department of
Social Anthropology at Stockholm University -- was, I think studying
tourism issues in Goa. He came across the Siddi and did a long and
deep study on them, after being deeply moved by the subject and its
present-day implications.

Quite a few Goans have interacted, I would think, with the Siddis (in
a strange kind of Uncle Tom-Khapri Agustine kind of way!), without
even realising whom these grandchildren of slavery really were. Like
most topics which go beyond just the academic, Charles was obviously
affected by a deep sense of empathy about this section of the
population... who obviously got a raw deal from history, from
colonialism, and from us....

There were, if I recall right, some Jesuits working for them too in
their remote jungle home.

At one stage, the Government fo Karnataka was trying to encourage some
Siddi youngsters into sports, on the bizaarre (and almost racist, it
would seem) idea that Blacks make better sportsmen (as witnessed from
the powerful West Indian batsmen, who were 'hitting back" at slavery
and colonialism with every four and six, as that
Marxist-politician-academic Asoke Mitra would argue, or the Kenyan
long-distance runners!) So imagine trying to take poor, starving
people and trying to make cricketeers of them! Wonder what came about
to that...

Was also in touch with some young social workers who were considered
about the plight of these "lost" people (in every sense of the word!).

But I'm not sure how much Charles has published. See
[http://shrunklink.com?mnc] I'm sure he would have enough material for
at least 2-3 books! But then, publishing and knowing are two different
things. One recalls Karen Larsen, a Fullbright scholar who was part of
Goanet for a short while, but did publish a thick book, a mix between
travelogue-academese-journalistic impressions, after her short stay in

Here's something I had posted a decade ago... gosh, do such tracks in
cyberspace make one feel old(!)... even if one allowed these guys to
just abbreviate my name in a way I don't do myself:

OPEN QUOTE: "RESEARCH ON GOA" From : GOA NEWS Posted By: Fred Noronha.
Sunday, July 28, 1996

Following researchers are currently engaged in research on Goa. The
compiler of this list would be grateful if any other details of
current Goa-related academic research could be sent in, in the format
mentioned at the end:

Academic work. Interested in building contacts with academics,
campaigners and grass-root workers. No e-mail address available.
Charles, a research scholar based in Sweden, was based in Margao for
many months, and did research on a number of themes, including the
Siddi tribals (believed to be of African origin brought in by the
Portuguese as slaves, now living in Karnataka) and the problems of
Goa's red-light locality of Baina. He is due back in Sweden in August,
and is likely to return to Goa.....
http://www.goacom.org/news/news96/jul/research.html   END QUOTE

There's another incident-in-cyberspace about the Siddis one can hardly
forget. A report by one of the reporters here, which was careless (but
not malicious, in my view) with the facts, quickly turned into  a
public trial of how bad (or not-so-bad) was the bad colonialism Goa
witnessed... instead of just looking at the issue that should have
been under the scanner -- the plight of the Siddis in India!  FN

On 01/11/06, Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frederick,
> That was truly fascinating. I wonder if there is any
> literature on how they assimilated, which colonial
> power was responsible for bringing them to India,
> perhaps the Portuguese, if they have any desire to
> return to Africa, I doubt it, what sort of prejudice
> they suffer, etc.
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/
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