One of the key problems in Goa, as I see it, is the unhealthy
polarisation of opinion -- on the basis of religion, caste, party,
geography (Salcete versus Bardez versus Ponda versus Canacona ... or
on village lines), ethnciity. So we take our stands depending on *who*
is doing things and *who* is facing the fire, not on the basis of the
issue itself.

This is nothing new, of course. The history of the 20th century in Goa
has been filled with such polarisations. Bamon versus Chardos (among
Catholics). Nacionalistas versus jaihindistas. MGP versus UGP.
Saraswats (sometimes plus Catholics) versus Bahujans. Old Conquests
versus New Conquests. Hindus versus Catholics. 'Ghantis' versus
'Goans' and so on.

On Goanet, to me, the problem seems to be the projection of issues
based on *who* is involved. Babush Monserrate becomes a hero when he
has the chances of beating a Congress's (discredited) Somnath
Zuwarkar, who has long acted as a voice for local realtor/tourism
interests, and whose aide Babush was once). After awhile, he gets
portrayed as a goon. While there's no denial of the reality, he goes
on to become lionised once again as long as he's close to the BJP.
When his home gets raided by Income Tax sleuths in a Congress-ruled
India, Parrikar (not Rajan!) is quick to reach out to his defence.

Later, his betrayal and key role in opportunistically toppling the BJP
government here (as opportunistic as his action in helping it to come
to power) earns his saffron wrath. Yet, a covert election-time pact
allows both to sail home in the Panjim and Taleigao constituencies.

In the latest case, the same leader who has "come out of these sad
events with any degree of credibility" has, 12 hours later, frontpaged
his demand for a judicial probe into "police action against three
elected representatives". So much for an ability to build good
arguments and take whatever stand one wishes in the matter of hours.
One could always point to the "incidents after 10 pm" to justify the
change in stance.

Of course, in the long history of Goa, Babush is just one blip. So why
do we bluff ourselves that this is about individuals and political
parties, rather than social processes, lobbies, the lust for real
estate and property, and the 'permanent government' that rules Goa
whichever parry or politician acts as the front?

It's interesting to see the manner in which political 'goons' are
standing up for one another. It's time the people did so to protect
their common interest, rather than getting caught up on taking sides
based on which side of the fence our patron saints are caught on
currently. FN

>    Manohar Parrikar is the only politician who seems to
>   have come out of these sad events with any degree
>   of credibility . I would say that even if I detested him
>   and the BJP with the same visceral hate that some on
>    this forum exhibit.
>    I hope fellow goanetters ( particularly from the other
>    side of the divide ) agree.
>    luv and regards,
>    anand
>    ( Dr Anand Virgincar )

Frederick Noronha
  • [G... anand virgincar
    • ... Nigel Britto
    • ... anand virgincar
    • ... Floriano_GMAIL
    • ... Gabe Menezes
      • ... J. Colaco < jc>
      • ... anand virgincar
        • ... Gabe Menezes
    • ... Bosco D'Mello
      • ... anand virgincar
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

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