--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks like Gabe has overlooked the scientific
> information about global cooling since January 2007,
> expected to continue well into 2008 as mentioned in
> the following link:

To correct the above misguided statement let me point
out that the global temperatures in each month of 2007
were among the highest in comparison with
corresponding months in all prior years since 1880
(i.e. when
instrumental measurements first became available). The
global temperature in March 2008 was higher than it
was in March 2007, and in all corresponding time
points since 1880, except 2005 and 1990. Only the
months of January and February 2008 showed
temperatures lower than the corresponding months of
2007, and of some recent years. 

Please take a look at the actual data at the following
link provided by a reliable and responsible scientific
organization, NASA's Goddard Institute for Space


Please also read about the observed effects of the
0.14 degrees Celcius per decade temperature increase
mentioned earlier. For example, the 9% per decade
decline of polar ice by melting and dumping of fresh
water into the oceans.



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