An internet blog is hardly the place to look for an
impartial assessment about a scientific issue. 

Perhaps, Helga or Joachim who have comprehensively
weighed the scientific evidence on all sides in an
informed and unbiased manner in their professional
capacity, would tell us whether or not it points to a
net loss of ice in Antarctica similar to that seen in
Greenland, as a recent study from NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, published in the reputed
scientific journal Nature Geoscience, shows:

Please see



--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An excerpt:
> >
> While the Antarctic Peninsula area has warmed in
> recent years and ice near it diminished during the
> Southern Hemisphere summer, the interior of
> Antarctica
> has been colder and ice elsewhere has been more
> extensive and longer lasting, which explains the
> increase in total extent. This dichotomy was shown
> in
> this World Climate Report blog posted recently with
> a
> similar tale told in this paper by Ohio State
> Researcher David Bromwich, who agreed “It’s hard to
> see a global warming signal from the mainland of
> Antarctica right now”.  
> >
> Indeed, according the NASA GISS data, the South Pole
> winter (June/July/August) has cooled about 1 degree
> F since 1957 and the coldest year was 2004. 

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