--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Which is why I did not ask Helga and Joachim to
>evaluate the personal opinions on climate change of
>political bloggers and web masters.

Helga and Joaquim were asked to do something even
worse - to take a $150,000 challenge offered by some
non-scientific website
(http://www.ultimateglobalwarmingchallenge.com/) to
prove that global warming is due to human activities.
This challenge is not being offered by any scientist
or any genuine scientific organization. 

What should one call such tactics?

As I had said earlier, such tactics are also being
adopted by HIV/AIDS denialists. They also have a small
band of scientists supporting their cause e.g. Peter
Duesberg and Nobel laureate Kary Mullis who have
written many articles in the popular press about their
denial of HIV/AIDS. As a matter of fact, on another
front the creationist Kent Hovind is offering $250,000
for anyone who can prove the theory of evolution. So
far, there are no takers there, as well.

Most reasonable people know that if scientists have a
legitimate challenge or criticism against any
scientific idea or finding, they publish it in a
peer-reviewed journal. They do not publish it in
newspaper Op-Eds, private websites, signed petitions
and political propaganda literature.

Helga or Joaquim will correct me if I am mistaken
about this. But in my assessment, none of the
scientists who have offered skeptical comments on
global warming in Op-Eds, news items, etc., circulated
in this forum and elsewhere, have published any
well-supported argument in any high profile
peer-reviewed scientific journal, against, for
instance, the latest IPCC consensus statement about
climate change and its effects. Write-ups about the
IPCC statement were published in SCIENCE, one of the
most prestigious scientific journals in the world.
Nobody laughed at it. In fact, none of the climate
change skeptics have published any original research
data of their own disputing the findings of scientists
who have concluded that anthropogenic climate change
is taking place, and is already showing detrimental
effects. John Christy and Roy Spencer had to recently
offer corrections to a small discrepancy that they
thought they had found several years ago.



--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Instead, I asked them to evaluate for the rest of us
> reports of the strange methodology being used by the
> IPCC to develop their reports, a methodology that
> would be laughed off campus at any respectable
> institution of higher learning; as well as articles
> authored by some of the top climate scientists in
> their field, like Dr. John Christy, Dr. Richard
> Lindzen and Dr. David Archibald, who included a
> detailed pdf file of his professional opinion that
> we need MORE CO2, not less, to make it easier for
> critics to review.

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